RMI, a bespoke solutions partner providing medical, security and HSE services in complex environments around the world, is expanding its healthcare offering with the launch of HealthCare In Mind – a new dedicated service which at launch will offer private autism, ADHD and mental health assessments, treatments and therapies in the UK.
The new service, which was incorporated in 2024, is a diversification on RMI’s existing healthcare provision which addresses the pressing need to provide accessible high quality mental health care to patients in the UK.
HealthCare in Mind will offer a range of mental health services, including fully comprehensive diagnostic assessments for both children and adults across the UK and therapy treatments to manage mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and mood disorders. Patients will be able to access care without lengthy waiting lists, wherever they are located across the UK, through provision of both remote and in-person services to suit their needs.
RMI CEO, Duncan Higham, commented: “RMI has been delivering healthcare to communities and workers in the world’s most difficult and challenging environments for over 20 years, and we are now bringing our exceptional quality of care delivery, coupled with our trademark agility and efficiency, to bring patients what they need, when and where they need it, into the UK healthcare market with HealthCare In Mind. We know there is a desperate need for services to fill the gaps in current provision, and we look forward to working directly with both patients and the NHS to deliver the services needed to help people feel better.”
Supported and run by the experienced and highly qualified RMI Medical Director, Dr Simon Le Clerc MStJ, alongside a team of psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists, HealthCare in Mind will fulfil a gap in the UK healthcare market by providing access to the highest quality care to those in need.
Dr Simon Le Clerc MStJ, Medical Director at RMI, said: “Our mission with HealthCare in Mind is to create a pathway for more people to access mental healthcare without the extended delays that are all too common in the UK currently. For individuals and for parents, we know that there are wait-times of up to a year for a first appointment for ADHD, autism and mental health assessments, and after diagnosis there are further waiting lists for accessing the crucial therapy treatments to help people manage their conditions. By offering private, tailored neurodiversity assessments, we can provide families and individuals with the clarity and support they need to thrive.”
HealthCare in Mind represents RMI’s commitment to accessible, equitable, and patient-centred care, building on over 20 years of experience in delivering medical support around the world. With a strong foundation in medical logistics and healthcare delivery, RMI’s new mental health service provides a seamless, accessible route to diagnosis and treatment, meeting the demand for specialist support in ADHD and autism care.
To find out more about RMI’s plans for HealthCare In Mind, visit: https://rmiglobalsolutions.com/mental-health-clinics/.