Telemedicine Versus Case Management

When an injury or illness occurs at a workplace, there are many ways to support the injured personnel. One way is to have medical staff on hand to address injuries. However, not every worksite is big enough or remote enough to need a medical provider on-site.

Instead, companies can use remote medical support services such as telemedicine and case management. Each has unique advantages and intended applications.


Telemedicine remotely connects company personnel with medical providers to seek treatment for illnesses or injuries. The medical provider is able to remotely assess and in many cases give a diagnosis. From that diagnosis, a treatment plan will be determined, and the medical provider may refer the company personnel to a specialist or a pharmacy if needed.

RMI Access telemedicine gives each employee access to our telemedicine mobile application. This application helps to answer questions related to their signs and symptoms, discuss these signs and symptoms with a medical provider, and receive follow-up instructions. It works anywhere in the United States.

Case Management

RMI Access case management is designed for workplace injuries and illness. It provides direct telephonic access to RMI for care coordination and medical advice from the initial consultation through to return-to-work.

Case management starts by identifying and vetting local medical clinics. When a workplace injury or illness occurs, it gives the job site direct telephonic access to our medical providers. The medical provider assesses and determines next steps. If required, RMI then guides the employee to selected clinical resources previously identified.

RMI stays involved throughout diagnosis, treatment and return-to-work. This includes managing the employees appointments. It is an end-to-end solution.

When Should My Company Use Telemedicine?

Telemedicine is flexible; it can be used proactively or reactively. Employees with access to telemedicine can talk to medical providers about minor illnesses or injuries before they worsen. It is a great resource for employees to ask about nagging medical questions. Access to a medical provider’s guidance can help keep employees healthy.

RMI Access telemedicine can also be used for injuries and illnesses outside of the workplace. Employees can ask about an ear infection if needed. It helps keep employees healthy at all times.

When Should My Company Use Case Management?

Case management supports workplace injuries. It is an ideal solution for companies looking for assistance with managing workplace injuries on and off the job site.

RMI Access case management can help prevent suboptimal treatment, unnecessary recordables, lost time, and increased workers’ compensation premiums.

Interested in Telemedicine or Case Management Services?

Telemedicine and Case Management for Employee Health

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