Remote Medical International Adding Lucira Check It to Suite of COVID-19 Testing Options

Written by Remote Medical International (RMI) Senior Product Manager, Kellen Knott.

As an employer, do you find the realm of COVID-19 testing to be confusing and overwhelming? You’re in good company. If you do your research, you might dig into a given test and see something like this:

“A lateral flow, instrument read, antigen test used for the qualitative detection of the nucleocapsid protein antigen from SARS-CoV-2 with a PPA of 84% and a NPA of 96% in symptomatic populations with an EUA for symptomatic testing to be used in a CLIA waived setting collected by a healthcare provider with a nasopharyngeal swab within five days of symptom onset with results in 15 minutes but with CDC guidance that suggests it may be acceptable to use in asymptomatic populations.”

COVID-19 Testing Jargon

Does this make any sense to you? A year ago, most of us would have been clueless. But now, as I recently heard a colleague say, “we’re all COVID nerds,” which means you may have a rough idea of what the above language means.

Regardless of your understanding of COVID-19 testing jargon, the fact remains that it can be tricky to know which test is optimal for your company requirements.

Employer COVID-19 Testing Trends

Since RMI started offering COVID-19 testing nearly a year ago, we have noticed a trend in what employers are generally trying to find. Employers usually want a test that is fast, relatively inexpensive, and effective. The problem is that it is hard to find a test that meets all three criteria.

It’s easy to find a highly effective PCR test that takes more time and costs more than alternatives. Likewise, it’s easy to find an antigen test that is cheap and fast but less than adequate for your intended use.

RMI is excited to announce the rollout of a new test that may fit your needs: it’s a molecular test called the Lucira Check It. And, according to Lucira’s website, here’s why it may work for you:

It’s Fast:

  • A rapid on-site test that gives positive results in 11 minutes and negative result confirmation in 30 minutes without sending the sample to a laboratory.
  • The test is an “All-In-One” test kit, which means that it is not reliant on an additional throughput-limiting instrument to read the test.
  • The FDA has authorized it for “At Home” use with only a prescription.

It’s Inexpensive:

  • With on-site collection and testing, the expenses associated with shipping and laboratory overhead become minimal.
  • The “All-In-One” approach reduces the costs associated with leasing or purchasing additional instrumentation as well as shipping that instrumentation to and from the site.
  • The FDA has authorized the test for “self-collection,” meaning that a healthcare provider is not required to perform the collection, increasing efficiency and reducing cost.

It’s Effective:

  • The Lucira Check It COVID-19 test has an ability to detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus that is comparable to many PCR tests performed in high-complexity laboratories.
  • In a September 2020 study in Clinical Infectious Diseases, researchers compared the Lucira test to an FDA-authorized high sensitivity COVID-19 test. The study found 100% agreement between the two tests in positive results in actively infected individuals.

Get A Fast, Inexpensive COVID-19 Test

If you are looking for a fast, inexpensive test that Lucira says is equivalent to PCR results, the Lucira Check It test may be right for you. In addition to the test, RMI also offers all the staff, logistics, and software to ensure project success.

To learn more, please contact RMI. In the meantime, to see just how easy this test is, check out Lucira’s video.

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